Friday 25 May 2018

June Meet up

The Silent March, by C.M. Klyne

Saturday June 16, 2018 @ 2pm
Remedy Cafe, downtown location.

Join us for a discussion of Stendhal's The Red and the Black. The Silent March.

A brief description from Goodreads:  

17606689Winnipeg, 1919. The Winnipeg General Strike, the Spanish influenza and a sociopathic personality coalesce to forge a summer of strife, death and hope for a community still suffering the pestilence of the first world war. Can bacteriologist Dr. Anna Williams, driven by the need to prove herself in a predominantly male research lab and responding to a panicky public health department, overcome the resistant attitudes of her male colleagues, to unlock the mysteries surrounding the deadly influenza virus? Will the infamous Committee of One Thousand subvert the intentions of the strike leaders and the growing union movement and prevent the spread of Bolshevism upon Canadian soil? Will Earle Nelson, a murderous sociopath and righteous zealot, force his will upon those he perceives as undesirable and unacceptable? Follow Klyne's story as he leads you through the streets of Winnipeg - reliving historical events with brilliant character creations whose intricate paths of emotions, ideas and conflicts culminated in what became known as Bloody Saturday.